My Body Doesn’t Belong In A Magazine, But That Doesn’t Define Me

My body doesn't belong in a magazine, but that doesn't define me

My body has never met a surgical knife. My height and my weight do not define me. My life is not about the amount of calories I consume. I don’t depend on my BMI to be happy. I have a tremendous capacity to love and hug the people I care about.

No, my body doesn’t belong in a magazine. And me neither. But the people in magazines don’t exist. Most of the curves we see are the result of photo editing and my personality doesn’t depend on what other people think of me.

My arms and legs are not fully defined, my breasts are not as big as others would like, wrinkles have started to appear on my face and my nails are not always groomed. But this body is mine, a body where stretch marks have started to appear without me shivering, where my weight doesn’t stop my personal growth, where I don’t live as a slave to a lack or excess of curves.

body shapes

I like to take care of myself, but I can also eat pizza or pie without any kind of regret. That’s exactly what allows me not to hate my reflection and feel proud of every inch of my skin. I consider myself perfectly imperfect, a product of my experiences and my well-being.

There is life outside the mirror

Your well-being is jeopardized when you run away from searching for yourself, exploring yourself and recognizing yourself in your own body. You are not what an anti-cellulite cream makes of you; you are you, you love and you get to know all the parts of your body.

We don’t take care of ourselves if, every time we look in the mirror, we scold ourselves for the fat on our thighs, our cellulite, or our wrinkles. We need to create a safe internal place for our body, instead of punishing and humiliating it.


You were born to be real, not for other people to tell you to be perfect

It is not for the rest of the world to judge the beauty of our curves. Beauty does not depend on weight, the perfect figure or the perfect hair. There is nothing more feminine than a big smile that draws a strong and happy face. Without lipstick or rouge, because a natural woman is often much more beautiful.

We may not be able to ask our skin to keep the elasticity of our youth or even our 40s, but what we can achieve is a good smile when we look in the mirror or when we try on our jeans.

Undress every day as if your imperfect body is a poem.  Make peace with it and set aside the personal war between you and your size and weight. Because your worth, your pleasure and your well-being depend on you. To put it this way, only you can make yourself feel beautiful, both inside and out.

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