Savannah Happiness Theory: Better Alone Than In Bad Company

Savannah happiness theory: rather alone than in bad company

The savanna happiness theory arose from the conclusions drawn from a scientific study published in the British Journal of Psychology. Although the theory has not yet been sufficiently conceptualized, it represents an interesting approach.

It all started when a group of researchers conducted extensive research into happiness. They wanted to determine whether happiness was related to the environment in which people lived. The aim was to contrast the happiness of people living in rural environments with the happiness of people living in urban environments.

The survey also collected demographic and IQ data from the interviewees. In total, 15,000 adults between the ages of 18 and 28 were surveyed. One of the results this research led to was the savannah happiness theory.

First conclusion of the savanna happiness theory

One of the first conclusions, and also one of the most surprising, has to do with the relationship between IQ and the desired living environment. According to the study, smarter people prefer to live in an urban environment. On the other hand, people with lower IQs have a special preference for rural areas.

Big cities can cause loneliness, but according to the savannah happiness theory this is not necessary

This is one of the most important aspects of the savanna happiness theory. The researchers wondered why people with higher IQs prefer an urban environment, which is much more stressful and difficult to live in and interact with.

The answer they found is that our brain has inherited something from our ancestors. This makes us look for rural environments – or savannas – as they are easier to handle.

However, our brains evolved and began to adapt to high-density environments, despite being more stressful. People with higher IQs are more resistant to these conditions. In fact, they find a lot of opportunities there.

Being alone, a key factor

The survey also asked about the quantity and quality of the participants’ relationships. The data showed another interesting pattern. Namely, that people with a higher IQ are happier with fewer social interactions. But for people with lower IQs, the opposite happens: the more social interactions they have, the happier they are.

Likewise, the researchers explained that those with higher IQs actually use their moments alone to better cope with the stresses of big cities. One of the ways to reduce the number of stimuli is to limit their relationships with others. This helps them avoid stress and gives them more time to invest in long-term projects.

Large ones can cause loneliness, but according to the savannah happiness theory, this is not necessary

On the other hand, those with a lower IQ feel happier when they can communicate with others often. In fact, it is a factor that reduces their stress and worry, and they spend much of their productive time in these social interactions. Also here we can see the influence of the savannah ancestors.

The validity of the savanna happiness theory

In summary, what the savanna happiness theory proposes is that the smartest are more urban and loners. And those with lower IQs are more sociable and connected to rural environments. While the former prefer to be alone rather than in bad company, the latter find very little satisfaction in solitude.

However, it might be a bit hasty to fully endorse this theory. Although it is based on a very extensive study and includes some new ideas, it takes more to speak with certainty. There can be no solid theory be built based on a single study, however extensive and technically it is.

Also, the fact that they attach so much importance to IQ doesn’t seem very sustainable. The truth is, measuring intelligence is still a controversial topic. For example, in the course of history we see both ‘genius companies’ and ‘lone geniuses’. Mozart was one of the first, and Beethoven the last. Nevertheless, the research is interesting and we can be sure that it will yield many new developments and theories. 

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