Simplicity, A Quality Of Extraordinary People

Simplicity, a quality of extraordinary people

Simplicity is a wonderful virtue. It also doesn’t happen as often as it should. It is one of those qualities that enhances all the others. Simplicity is always accompanied by humility. It implies magnanimity and maturity. That is the reason, and this may go against our intuition, that only extraordinary people possess this quality in a real way.

Some people describe simplicity as “a celebration of the little things.” In other words, a simple person is able to enjoy and appreciate the little things. They don’t have overly high expectations or ambitions. There is also no huge mountain that blocks their happiness. That is why the first person to benefit from simplicity is the person who owns it.

If you want to sail under the banner of simplicity, you have to be flexible. You have to know how to accept yourself and be accepting in general. These features help streamline everything without trying to force or change course.

Simplicity in appearance

Simplicity is first visible in your appearance. How much do you need to “decorate” yourself so that you feel comfortable with your personal appearance? To what extent do you have to dress yourself up (or not) to feel more or less presentable?

It is important that you take care of your appearance. Because the way you see yourself on the outside tells you how you feel inside. It is the image you show to the world. It determines the first impression people have of you. This all makes sense

But when personal appearance becomes an obsession, it also becomes a problem. A little bit of vanity never hurt anyone. But if it’s accompanied by fear, uncertainty, or major investments of time and money, then there may be more to it. Simplicity in appearance means that you accept and value yourself.

A simple mind

When we talk about simplicity of thought, we usually mean “common sense.” It is seeing things as they are without beautifying or complicating them unnecessarily. It involves an open and objective view of what is real.

Mental simplicity also makes it easier to understand other points of view. For it reduces or removes the need to be right or to impose your opinion on others. You don’t feel that need to make everyone think exactly the same way. Simple minds spontaneously accept that the world contains many points of view. In this way they are able to turn a problem into a valuable source of personal enrichment.

A person of simple mind expresses himself with the ease of one who has no interest in proving anything. Their words are clear and eloquent, with no unnecessary frills. They don’t have an overbearing way of speaking. Nor do they intentionally refer to social class. Simplicity means expressing what you think in a clear and direct way.


Simplicity in your relationships with others

This virtue also plays an important role in the way you relate to others. A person of this extraordinary virtue respects himself and others. They accept themselves and therefore they accept others. Because these ideas go hand in hand.

Another characteristic of simplicity in relationships is that they are horizontal. A person who acts in simplicity values ​​powerful and humble people in an equal way. They don’t change their personality or the way they treat people, no matter who they are with.

In the same way, simplicity makes us appreciate the achievements of others. We feel joy in the achievements of others and share in their grief. A humble person sees himself as equal to others. This leads to an essential solidarity with other people. For simplicity shows us that we belong to a human community and that we are invariably linked by a common thread: humanity itself.

The road to simplicity

Typically, we become “conceited” or “complicated” because we allow our fears to take over. We are afraid of rejection or of what people will say. We feel restless. Because we feel like we need to be better, or more powerful, or richer, or more beautiful. In other words, we are afraid because we cannot accept ourselves as we are. We are also incapable of appreciating the circumstances in which we live.

This is certainly the cause of much of our suffering. We also often create incorrect beliefs about who we are and who we should be. We constantly worry about what we don’t have. We strive to get it. As a result, we don’t enjoy what we have.


Simplicity is not the same as passivity or conformism. Because you can have high goals and still appreciate what you have and what you have accomplished. Simplicity actually helps us to walk lightly on this path of life and to be in a state of continuous development.

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