Six Forms Of Art Therapy For Adults

Six forms of art therapy for adults

Do you know the types of art therapy? We live very busy lives these days. Sometimes we don’t have a moment to disconnect or even rest. We check our phones or social media all the time. We regularly spend hours on our computers or tablets.

Sometimes it can therefore be very relaxing to do things that cannot be done through a screen. For many people, these are great ways to completely disconnect. These forms of art therapy for adults are perfect examples of this.

Art therapy gives you the chance to express your creativity. However, aside from the creative aspect (without suggesting it’s less important), it can also help improve your mental health.

One of the main benefits of art therapy is that children, teenagers, and the elderly can participate. However, in this article we share six forms of art therapy for adults.

Coloring is one of the best forms of art therapy

It’s not always easy to make something with just a blank sheet of paper. Sometimes it can even be quite stressful if you fail to awaken your creative mind.

You may not initially have a good idea at all, which can be very frustrating. Sometimes an empty coloring book can therefore be the perfect means to organize your ideas and remove your creative blocks. It can help you free yourself from your fear and unleash your creativity.

Mandala and pencils

Coloring offers adults the opportunity to feel like a child again. This activity helps to recall old childhood memories. In other words, it’s a way of going back in time. This can help people put their current problems into perspective.

Drawing will not make your problems go away. However, it can help relieve the stress they cause. It can also comfort you and free your mind from the demands of everyday life.

Drawing outdoors in a natural environment

We all have a creative side. However, sometimes it can be difficult to find the necessary time and space to let this creativity run its course. If you still want to achieve this, you will have to make some effort and look for stimuli that can help you with this.

Drawing outside can be very soothing in this case. Getting in touch with nature, breathing deeply, filling your lungs and freeing yourself through drawing is relaxing. You can choose to draw a memory, an image, or anything you see at the time. Everything is allowed!

This is one of those forms of art therapy that can provide the most benefits. When the weather is nice, you can do it in a park, in an open field, in the mountains or on the beach. The important thing is to let yourself go completely while doing it. This should help you to free your sense of freedom and creativity.

Write a poem

If you have more affinity with writing, you can let your imagination run wild by writing a poem. Grab some paper and a pen and express your feelings, thoughts, emotions, wishes or dreams.

Let them flow. Both the good ones, which put a smile on your face, and the bad ones. Especially putting your bad feelings, thoughts and emotions on paper will set you free.

You can also compose poems from newspaper clippings or pieces of text from magazines. Put all the clippings in a jar or box and then take them out one by one. Although the words are predetermined, with your creativity you will turn it into a beautiful poem. Sounds nice, right?

Writing is one of the forms of art therapy

Make something with your name

You’ve probably written your name aimlessly on a scrap of paper several times in your life while you were working, in class, or on a phone call.

Maybe you did it to help you daydream. Or maybe you felt it helped you focus on what the teacher was explaining or what the person on the other end of the line was saying.

This time , try writing your name on a piece of paper and then making something new out of it. Immerse yourself. Use different colors, shapes, shadows, etc. Find the best way to express yourself.

body painting

There are special paints that you can use to paint your body. If you’ve never tried body painting and it seems interesting to you, you should definitely give it a try! If you took a few hours to paint your own body, what would you draw?

This form of painting connects you to your inner self and gives you the opportunity to reflect these thoughts on your outer self.

Not only does this promote your creativity, it also helps you put your current life into perspective. It teaches you to get in touch with yourself, to accept yourself and to get in harmony with your inner self, which in turn benefits your personal growth.

Drawing in the sand

When we were kids we loved to draw in the sand with our finger. Sometimes we even used a bucket to build a castle or a house.

As adults, we can also use sand to develop our imagination. Sand allows us to experiment with our environment and relive some of those great childhood memories.

Starfish and a heart in the sand

You can choose to create multiple drawings, shapes or words. It will help you to bring out your inner world. It can also be a very helpful tool for avoiding that inner critic that we often submit to.

These forms of art therapy are ways to express yourself uninhibitedly. They allow you to channel your emotions, hone your skills and foster your creativity.

They help you shape your desires, joys and fears through art. That way you can connect with your inner world and create a fertile ground for personal growth.

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