Six Inspiring Quotes From Joaquín Sabina

Six inspiring quotes from Joaquín Sabina

Joaquín Sabina is a Spanish singer-songwriter known all over the world. His music takes you to different, interesting realities. He is a free spirit who is passionate about life, music and poetry.

The following quotes by Joaquín Sabina are sure to inspire you. The way he talks about life, love, expectations and everyday life is truly amazing. If you don’t know him yet, don’t miss this opportunity to read what he has to say.

1. How hard is it to get out of this magic we’re trapped in unscathed

Life is a whirlwind of emotions and experiences. Joaquín Sabina reminds us that we will always face challenges. Every time you make a decision, you risk getting hurt, but it’s always worth it in the end.

While all that life offers is magical, you will never leave it without having suffered once, but this too is worth it, for the experience you gain and the opportunity to learn…


2. There is no worse nostalgia than longing for something that never existed

Often enough, we let opportunities pass us by. You can be overwhelmed by fear, doubt, uncertainty and a million other reasons. This quote from Joaquín Sabina reminds us that there is something worse than failure and that is not trying . Take risks and raise the bar, challenge yourself and find out where you can go.

It is quite possible that in time you will do things that you will regret, but it is better to regret the things you have done than to regret the things you have not done.

3. I will fight to the last second and my gravestone will read: I disagree

When you listen to Joaquín Sabina’s music and learn about his history, it becomes clear that he always went against the norm. He was never the type to adapt to what life gave him. Instead, he says what he thinks. He makes sure he is heard and you should do the same.

When you find yourself in situations that make you unhappy or that affect you negatively in any other way, you should say so. And then you should do something about it. Be careful not to get stuck just because someone else has told you how far you can and cannot go. You are able to do what you want and to go wherever you want. You should never conform to what others think; be open and honest and look for a way to reach the next level.

4. The best promises are the ones you don’t have to keep

When was the last time you made a promise? Promises have enormous emotional and social value. This quote from Joaquín Sabina reminds us that sometimes we don’t have to keep all the promises we make. Think about it. You have probably made a promise that has caused you a lot of stress and worry.

There is no need to make promises, because if you really intend to do something, you just do it. In the heat of battle, it’s easy to make a promise without thinking about everything that promise includes, but later it becomes a big burden. Don’t make too many promises in life just because you think they should. Let your actions speak for you.

5. And life went on, as things that don’t really make sense usually do

Disappointment, sadness, tears and doubts are just some of the things that wipe our smiles off our faces. Joaquín Sabina reminds us with his music that life always goes on in the end. No matter how bad today may seem, there is always tomorrow. Even when life seems to be going nowhere, you have to keep moving forward.

Moving Forward

Don’t get it wrong; this doesn’t mean it will be easy. It will always take a lot of effort and inner struggle. Before you give up, understand what time and tears can mean to you. One day you will remember that terrible moment as a story and you will see that it doesn’t hurt anymore. The pain will turn into a valuable lesson and for this reason alone it will be worth experiencing.

6. I have nothing to lose except the fear of loneliness

How much have you already let yourself be overcome for fear of loneliness? If you are someone who has learned to appreciate the benefits and values ​​of solitude, this is great. If you’re the type of person who runs away from it, you might want to think about these words from Joaquín Sabina.

If you’re not afraid of being alone, you’ll learn to say goodbye to toxic people because you’ll learn that you don’t need them. You will also recognize yourself as a complete person and you will not feel as much pressure to find the perfect partner.

The best part is that you will find the courage to pursue your dreams and do whatever it takes to make them come true.

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