Six Poses That Repel Other People

Six attitudes that repel other people

Being physically separated isn’t the only way to distance yourself from your loved ones. Sometimes, even if they’re right next to you, it can feel like they’re not there at all. When it comes to relationships, just being physically next to each other isn’t enough to grow the bond. This also requires an exchange of affection, actions and intentions. That’s why it’s so important to be careful with certain attitudes that repel other people, rather than attract them.

You should also keep in mind that such psychological distance can be the result of all sorts of different problems or obstacles, whether they come from you or from others. That is why it is essential that you take a good look at yourself.

You need to see how you’re doing because it’s a great way to get information. Whose fault it is and why such situations arise does not matter in the end: they remain painful. Let’s take a closer look at it.

Attitudes that repel other people

Humans are social beings. This means that it is not natural for us to want to stay away from other people. Psychological problems are often the cause. If someone is constantly refusing to interact with other people, they may be dealing with problems that you haven’t noticed before.

At a clinical level, depression could be a reason for this. If so, only a specialist can help.

There are also other attitudes that have more to do with psychological traits that cause you to push people away from you. They may not be disorders or conditions, but these attitudes still hurt your relationships with others. Let’s take a look at some of these attitudes that repel other people.

Angry couple sitting on the couch


According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, egoism is “excessively or exclusively concerned with oneself or one’s own benefit, pleasure or well-being, without regard for others.” Selfish people don’t care about other people’s interests or desires. These will always seem less important than theirs.

These types of people pay no attention to other people’s problems. They just look the other way. It is difficult to bring problems to the attention of selfish people because they refuse to acknowledge every problem that arises in them. In fact, usually the person who expresses his concern is blamed. This almost always leads to separation, both physically and emotionally.


The abuser ‘s toxic attitude is directly reflected in the person being abused. Abuse means ‘treating with cruelty or violence, especially regularly or repeatedly’. In cases of abuse, the abused person deals with intensely negative psychological experiences and feels that the abuser removes himself from the idea he was putting forward.

The abuser also removes himself psychologically from the person he is mistreating. He no longer pays attention to his feelings and treats him as if he means nothing.

However, this is a very specific situation. Although the abuser’s behavior and attitude repel his victim, there is still some hidden manipulation that keeps the bond intact. Basically, we can say that these kinds of relationships are miles away from a conscious, affectionate, healthy bond between two people.


Contempt, directly related to abuse, can take many different forms. For example, the humor in extreme sarcasm may simply hide a desire to hurt the other person. It is usually due to a sense of (intellectual) superiority on the part of the person who feels the contempt.

In fact, a common synonym for contempt is “disgust. ” It’s a kind of disregard, it means distinguishing yourself from the other. That’s what makes it one of those attitudes that repel other people. Treating people from a place of superiority is nothing more than a form of rejection.

To lie

This is one of the most common poses that repel other people. At the time it may seem harmless. To lie means to hide the truth or make something up. It’s like putting on a mask to hide something you don’t want to show.

But how can you trust someone who lies? How can you expect someone to trust you when you lie? It makes perfect sense that by lying you put people off. It’s like boycotting honesty, and it does nothing but wear down your bonds with other people. When you lie, you don’t let them get to know you.

Woman puts on different masks

Victim role

Taking on the victim role can be very damaging to your relationships. Not only because you pretend to be a victim when you really aren’t, thereby detracting from what it means to really be a victim, but also because you cause real victims to lose credibility. You also force other people to feel unnecessarily guilty.

The victim attitude is a kind of self-deception. It is proof that you do not have the ability to restrain yourself and control your emotions. These kinds of people settle for constant complaining and criticism as a means of survival. They blame others for their own unhappiness or any other negative state of mind they are in.


Manipulation, related to contempt and abuse, is the result of feeling intellectually superior. Manipulative people try to influence the attitudes of others for their own personal gain. They usually go through with their intentions precisely because of that sense of being intellectually superior.

However, when the people around them begin to realize what they are doing, they will instinctively repel them.

As you can see, the attitudes that put you off other people are detrimental to any good relationship. That’s why it’s so important to learn to identify them. That way you can build healthy and fruitful relationships with other people. 

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