Some Quotes On Friendship: Food For Thought

Some Quotes About Friendship: Food For Thought

Sometimes we call people friends but they aren’t really. They are people who take advantage of us to get something in return. When we need them, they are not there. But we find ways to justify this behavior because of the love we feel for them. However, sayings and quotes about friendship can remind us not to let ourselves be misled like that.

Friends are a blessing. But you have to distinguish between ‘friends’ and ‘acquaintances’. Not everyone deserves our concern or time. Being kind and generous to others is a wonderful quality. But we shouldn’t let people walk all over us.

A true friend will never give you this kind of headache. Of course, some of their behaviors may annoy you. Now and then they make you angry or start arguing. But when you need them, they are there for you.

Rain or shine, even if he has better things to do, a true friend likes to see you and show it. What matters in the end are actions, not well-meaning words.

We give you six beautiful quotes about friendship in this article. Something to think about…

Six quotes about friendship that really make you think

“He who seeks a friend without flaws will be left without friends.”

This is a Turkish saying. It prompts us to think about what we demand of others compared to what we demand of ourselves.

Nobody is perfect because we are all human. And like all humans, we have flaws that our loved ones respect (and maybe even appreciate).

Rejecting someone because we don’t like their flaws says a lot about our own self-image. If your friends are good, faithful and noble, then everything else shouldn’t be too important. Focus on the wonderful things friends give you and not on their little mistakes.

Quotes about friendship

“Friends increase the joy and share the sadness.”

This is a quote from the famous philosopher Francis Bacon. He knew very well that shared joy is celebrated twice. Man is a social animal, no matter how hard he tries to isolate himself. So there is no better feeling than feeling understood and supported by friends through good and bad times.

Friendship makes us taste double and thick with happiness, while reducing the impact of sadness. A good friend will always know when to listen or make you laugh.

“Friends are like good books: it is not important whether you have many, but that they are good.”

Quotes about friendship are often from an anonymous source, like this one. Many people measure their personal worth by the number of friends they have. But this is a mistake.

Quantity is not the same as quality. Remember you can count your good friends on one hand.

The people who boast of having friends all over the world often don’t have one true friend. With a true friend, you don’t have to pretend to be someone you’re not. Because in that friendship you have a special bond.

Quotes about friendship

“A false friend is like a shadow that follows us when the sun shines.”

The Italian writer Carlo Dosis warns us about the people who call themselves friends but are not really friends. Because they are only with you when life is going well and when the world is smiling at you. They only care about you because of your influence on others, not because they really want your friendship.

Don’t worry if you have trouble distinguishing between real and fake friends at first. When you are going through difficult times, you will notice that certain ‘friends’ are absent or show little concern. Value the friends who stay with you, not those who have disappointed you.

“Remove the friend to whom you are a means and not an end.”

This advice comes from Ramon and Cajal and is very good advice. If you notice someone using you, stay away from them. You don’t deserve such people in your life. A true friend will always be honest with you. He will never use you just to his own advantage.

If you don’t want to discuss this or provoke a conflict with that person, it’s best to gradually distance yourself. Do it subtly. If he asks for an explanation, give him an explanation. Unlike those friends, at least you will be honest.

“If you want to pass judgment on someone, see who their friends are.”

The French writer and theologian Fenelon is the creator of this sentence. It is one of the most accurate quotes about friendship. Don’t you think? If you want to know what a person is like as a person, see which people they spend their time with. Usually friendships say a lot about a person’s values ​​and character.

In friendship, it is true that sometimes we make mistakes. But in these quotes about friendship, we find good advice that can take us very far.

Friends are the family someone chooses. Taking care of them is therefore of the utmost importance.

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