Taking Care Of Yourself: Now Is The Time

Taking care of yourself: now is the time

Sometimes you get so caught up in things that you forget to take care of the one person who will be with you forever: yourself. And you may think it’s selfish to put yourself at the top of your to-do list and think about personal well-being… but it’s not. In fact, it is one of the most important investments you can ever make. It is an investment in yourself, your health, your needs and your well-being. Taking good care of yourself is also absolutely necessary in order to be able to take care of others. If you know how to take care of yourself, you will be able to give a fuller version of yourself to others.

Woman loves herself: taking good care of yourself is important

Spending hours a day taking care of other people is something that shows the purest, most genuine form of care. But it will weigh heavily on your emotions if it becomes constant. And if a person spends a large part of his life taking care of other people, be it on a practical level (doing things for them), or a sentimental level (giving emotional support), he will stop taking care of himself. to care. He may even forget how. And that while taking good care of yourself is such an indispensable thing. Really, it’s a fundamental ability when it comes to having good psychological and emotional health.

Woman holds heart in her hands: taking good care of yourself is important

Taking care of yourself: why is it so difficult?

Often we act, move, or make decisions based on what other people need or say. As a result, we no longer meet our own needs and even forget them. It’s like when you stop doing an activity – you lose your skills, and maybe even forget how much you loved it. So if you stop listening to yourself and taking care of yourself, you will forget how to do this. We can see this situation especially in people who have cared for their children or relatives for years. The moment they stop taking care of those people, they become depressed, experience anxiety and don’t understand what is happening to them, or why they feel that way.

People who don’t know how to take care of themselves feel like they’re lost. They feel that they have no direction in their lives. That they are stuck and can’t do anything to get out of the situation they find themselves in. The time has come to “take care of themselves” and they don’t know how. They confront a task that is almost impossible for them: it is unknown and they don’t even know where to start.

Taking good care of yourself: how do you do it?

Surely you have noticed that when things go right, all hardships are easier to overcome. And you have to accept that this task depends entirely on you. That is, if you have a partner, friends, family or children, it’s great if they’re concerned about your well-being (and they should), but you can’t expect the people around you that they take care of you. It is a task that you must do on your own initiative. That’s why we give you seven ideas on how to tackle this.

1. Organize your environment, because it shows you from your best side

Properly maintaining your home, room, workspace, and physical environment is a good first step. The places where you are should be inviting. If there is unrest, little light and cold, you will not be able to feel at ease. And if it’s like this every day, your general psychological discomfort will get worse and worse.

2. Take a moment of relaxation every day

We all have a lifestyle where ‘we never have enough time.’ And somehow this is just the way it is. However, time is a resource that you “take away” from one place and “invest” in another. When it comes to taking care of yourself, it’s important to relax and disconnect every day, even if it’s just ten minutes. To drink a cup of coffee or tea, or do a little reading without being disturbed by anything or anyone. This moment of relaxation can be in the morning, in the afternoon or at night. It doesn’t matter when you do it, as long as you do it…

Relaxed woman: taking good care of yourself is important

3. Make laughter part of your routine

Allow yourself things that make you laugh. TV shows, movies, a radio show, it doesn’t matter what. Most importantly, it connects you to your sense of humor. It is very positive to smile every day. You will definitely feel the effects on your mood as well. So be proactive and do things that make you laugh. And don’t wait for them to come to you, seek them out.

4. Distance yourself from negative people and emotions

Stepping away from the things that hurt you is a necessary step to take good care of yourself. If you’re in a toxic relationship or if people close to you are showing negativity, distance yourself and set boundaries. Taking care of yourself is difficult when you are surrounded by people who ignore your efforts to achieve well-being.

5. Develop your personal relationships – give them time and make them worthwhile

Once you set limits in your toxic relationships and distance yourself from negative emotions (listening to them instead of ignoring them), you can build relationships that make you feel good. Give these relationships time. Meet friends, go out to dinner with your partner or visit someone you’ve been wanting to see for a while. Spending time in these relationships will leave you feeling emotionally supported and cared for.

6. Exercise, and if you don’t have time… make time!

Exercise is one of the best tools to regain your psychological balance and improve your mood. In addition to having psychological benefits, exercise will also improve your self-esteem. You will feel better and have a better self-image. And all this will give you a good dose of positive emotions. Stick to a weekly training schedule and you’ll notice the changes right away.


Woman running: taking good care of yourself is important

7. Listen to your needs as a person

Above all, make sure you connect with your needs, listen to what you want to say or do, and be true to yourself. These are some of the best ways to take care of yourself. Putting your own needs aside and always putting the well-being of others first may be the easiest option at that point. In the long run, however, it will take its toll. You should also think about how you feel, what you want, what is important to you and how you can meet these things.

Finally, keep in mind that taking good care of yourself can be a tough job. If you haven’t done it before, you may not even know where to start. But don’t get discouraged. Everything we do for at least 21 days becomes a habit. Set yourself the goal of making it a habit to take care of yourself for the next 21 days. You will have no regrets! 

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