The Body Language Of Fear

The body language of fear is mainly expressed in facial expressions. Slightly raised eyebrows, a tense forehead and a half-open mouth are unmistakable signs that someone is afraid.
The body language of fear

You scared feeling is normal and fully justified. Yet there are situations where it is not in our interest to show it clearly. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it) the body language of fear can sometimes reveal how we feel inside.

There is no dictionary about the body language of fear. Yet humans possess a special radar that allows them to read those signs. This is clearly not a completely rational interpretation.

We  just feel that someone is scared. As a result, we often don’t trust the people who don’t radiate confidence. Or we feel superior when we notice the vulnerability of another person.

It is important that you know the body language of the fear. If you know it, you will have more control over it. This can benefit you in two ways.

First and foremost, it allows you to identify the signs of fear in others even if they don’t express it openly. Second, it will also help you manage your emotions. This will ensure that you don’t show your fear if you don’t want to.

facial expressions

The face is the first part of our body that reflects fear. Sometimes the signs are very obvious. At other times they are not. However, there is always a small change in the face. On the other hand, these signs will depend on the intensity of the emotion.

Despite this, there are signs that are very easy to spot. The first sign is when a person raises their eyebrows. If the fear comes after a surprise, then the eyebrow movement will be even more obvious. If it is a situation that usually only evokes fear, then the person will certainly frown.

Usually the lower eyelids remain tense. After that, the person will open his mouth halfway. In general, it’s like something is pulling the person’s fearful face and he or she isn’t trying to hold it back.

Fear can be read in facial expressions

The attitude and body language of fear

Also the posture is a very important element in the body language of the fear. Usually your muscles tense up when you’re scared. The first thing that happens is you cringe (your body does this to take up less space). This is an expression of the desire to protect yourself and take refuge in your own body.

Uncertainty, nervousness and restlessness are also expressions of fear. Those three states often surface when you make quick and sudden movements. A person who is unable to keep still is not calm. When fear overwhelms you, you are more likely to make clumsy or sudden movements.

It is also common for a frightened person to cross arms. This is a defense signal. The person does this to create a barrier that protects them and keeps them at a distance from the outside world. This barrier can also be a sign that the person is rejecting the outside world.

The attitude and body language of fear

Other Signs of Anxiety

There are other signs and expressions that make up the body language of fear. For example, your eyes can reveal that you are afraid. Nervousness makes your eyes wander and blink more.

However, if you feel a deep and fierce fear, you may not even blink that much. The purpose of the latter mechanism is to maintain visibility into the threat.

On the other hand, your hands are also important in communication and the expression of your emotions. Fear is no exception. When people are afraid, they usually move their hands and twist their hands together. They make a fist or hide their hands. Not allowing people to see your limbs is an instinctive act of self-defense.

When people are afraid, they usually make short, fast and erratic movements. And if they are really terrified, then the opposite happens. They freeze. In the first case, the person cannot sit still. In the second case, they are very quiet and slow. This is basically how the body language of fear works.

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