The Modern Liquid Age And Consumerism

Many people buy things more out of boredom or impulse than because they really need it. Why exactly is this happening?
The modern liquid age and consumerism

Today , everything is constantly changing: politics, values, the way of thinking and communication, education, the world of work… We currently live in a globalized society characterized by rampant consumerism and the disappearance of structures from the past. We live in a modern liquid age.

This has led to feelings of insecurity, purposelessness and emptiness. The Polish philosopher and sociologist Zygmunt Bauman noted this. In his work he often talked about the painful reality of modern life. In this “modern liquid age” our bonds are fragile. Inequality is on the rise.

Many people feel disconnected. It is a time of confusion, a time that demands speed, selfishness and individuality. Bauman once said that our “liquid” society is based on the fact that everything is temporary, unstable, unreal and superficial.

Everything has an expiration date. Social networks also play a role in this. While they connect us in a way, they have also led to a widespread sense of disconnection.

The eternal emptiness of consumerism

The eternal emptiness of consumerism in the modern liquid age

The “liquid” citizen does not want obligations, responsibilities or attachments. They just look for new experiences and new risks. Plus, they don’t want to settle down either. These citizens don’t finish what they start. Everything in their lives is fleeting and superficial.

This leads to an incessant feeling of emptiness. They also don’t know how to fill this. If they even notice. This is why “liquid” people immerse themselves in a constant state of novelty.

Consumerism and buying new things plays an important role in their lives. It helps them to fill the void within themselves.

The problem is that you cannot fill a void with material goods. It doesn’t matter how many things you have. They will not settle your discontent. Try it. You will just get caught up in a cycle of meaningless things.

Unanswered desires lead to more and more desires over time. After all, essentially these things just hide needs and absences. After all, the focus is directed outwards instead of inwards.

Nothing can escape the liquid nature of modern society. The result is that our individuality loses its meaning. This can lead to an identity crisis, panic attacks and depression.

Responsible consumption

What can you do when you are confronted with that chaos and emptiness? How do you find satisfaction for yourself? One possible answer is to learn to flow like water. This means that you learn to mold yourself to fit the circumstances just like water does.

It is fundamental that you develop patience and self-observation. Doing this will help you figure out your true needs and stop being so afraid of change.

It is also good that you adopt a critical attitude. It will make you question certain behavior patterns and habits. So it will be easier for you to stop any kind of consuming behavior. That’s the kind of behavior that puts you in endless circles of meaninglessness.

In addition, you should also start to focus more on your inner world. This will help you get in touch with yourself better. You will then be able to remove all the stains that cover the empty parts of yourself. From there you can really start building a solid foundation for your well-being.

Responsible consumption in a modern liquid age

How can you be a responsible consumer in this modern liquid age?

  • Make a list of the things you really need. You should also set a maximum budget. How much can you spend?
  • Focus on what you already have.
  • Reuse old things before buying new ones.
  • Look for Alternatives to Buying Things. Many people shop purely out of boredom. Instead, try to control your impulses to buy things in an irresponsible and unnecessary way.
  • Making your life easier can bring you more satisfaction.
  • Focus on the love for yourself. It is important that you do things that you enjoy. After all, this makes you happy and makes you feel good about yourself.
  • Buy one or a few things at a time to keep your anxiety under control. When you buy things, you should also be wary of negative emotions. If necessary, you should consult a therapist who can help you deal with those emotions.
  • Read about marketing. You can never know too much about the ways companies and brands “mislead” you into buying products you don’t need.
  • Unsubscribe from the sites of unnecessary advertising by e-mail. That way, you will no longer receive constant emails inviting you to buy things you don’t need.
  • Buy experiences. Remember that experiences live forever in your heart. Items usually don’t last that long.

As you can see, your ultimate goal should be to develop your inner world. Think about it with a thoughtful, patient, and enriching attitude. Stand still for a second and close your eyes. Enjoy the silence. Stop for a moment and enjoy this moment when your mind is calm and you keep your impulses in check.

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