The Perfect Person At The Wrong Distance

The perfect person at the wrong distance

Every time I think of you, I know that you came into my life for a reason, that you are what I longed for, that you have the patience and curiosity to get to know me and appreciate the good that in me and to understand my shortcomings. I know you are the perfect person.

But I also know that this distance that keeps us apart, which may be a distance from time, feelings or personalities, is the wrong distance. There is talk of a ravine that won’t let us be together, that won’t let us feel each other. It’s a distance neither of us has created and yet can keep us from feeling what we feel.

How do I know you are the perfect person

I didn’t have to ask my intuition. When I saw you, when I first looked at you, I knew I couldn’t stop kissing you and when we kissed my soul learned how to find every corner of your soul. It was you.

I always thought the perfect person didn’t exist, but I’ve learned to accept you as you are because you’ve done the same for me. And you have become that person that I dreamed of, that perfect person that I have always wanted by my side.

Now I know what making love is all about, I know how to kiss with my heart and I know what it’s like not to need words to communicate. You taught me to worship you, because you worship me. You have accompanied and supported me to make my dreams come true. And I know it’s you, because…

Words are superfluous…

When we look at each other, the words flow without being spoken. Our thoughts connect so that they can understand each other, so that we can understand each other without saying a single word. Your eyes tell me how you feel; they whisper in my ear what your lips don’t say. We’ve learned that sometimes one simple look can say it all.

Eye contact

You opened the door to my inner world

You sneaked in on tiptoe. I could barely hear you and now you feel my ideas, understand them and let them flow. You feel my dreams and get excited about them. You helped me make these dreams a reality, helped me see that they were possible. My inner world is a place that I can share with you, because I know that you will understand me.

We are not one, we are two

You know me and you know I wouldn’t like it if my happiness depended on someone else. Because happiness is something that we can build on a daily basis, because it is a reality that we have to put all our hearts into. Happiness depends on us, only on us.

We are not one, we are two. We share dreams, the music that makes our lives swing and we have learned to respect what makes us passionate, in a precious dance of respect and trust.

It will always feel like the first time

Every kiss, every hug, is a caress given for the first time. Our first kiss is eternal, because with each kiss the lips that met on that first kiss vibrate together and everything starts all over again. Every word whispered re-creates that same intimacy, the intimacy we felt from the beginning.

Holding hands

You gave meaning to the phrase “make love”

We stripped ourselves, our clothes fell to the floor and we made love. We were two strangers making love together, because from day one we bare not only our bodies, but also our souls.

We weren’t just a bunch of naked bodies. We were also desire, love in our fingertips, we were skin finding its way home on the other’s skin. We were you and me making love.

The wrong distance can’t rule out our feeling

Maybe it’s just a moment or maybe hundreds of years. However, while I know that it is you, that you are the perfect person, I also know that there is a wrong distance between us right now. Because I can’t share my life with you, because you’re not with me.

However, this doesn’t stop us from feeling what we feel, from longing for each other, from longing for each other’s skin. You are the perfect person at the wrong distance. And yet I love you.

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