The Person Holding You Down Is You

The person holding you down is you

There are hundreds, maybe thousands of reasons why we get up in the morning. For the job that allows us to eat, for the family that makes us happy, for our children, for our partner, for our dreams that we still want to fulfill…

There are many motivations that connect us to that complex world that keeps spinning and sometimes without warning causes us to get lost, disoriented. This is when doubt arises… What is it that binds me to this world? Why do we sometimes lose control?

What keeps you grounded is you. You with your decisions, you with the power of your thoughts and your determination. You with the intensity of some very well managed emotions that have spread their roots to find grounding and strength…

We must not be confused. What makes us cling to life is not the coincidences, nor the decisions that others make for you.

Fate can be erratic, but you are the one who chooses to open certain doors,  you are the one who must move forward without the weight of others, without those stones that we keep finding in our path that would hinder our growth if we wouldn’t leave them behind.

Today we want to talk about everything that is holding you back in your daily life and how you can take control of that inner strength that we all have.

What you go through makes you stronger and richer


What is enriching for you is what nourishes you from within and what expresses itself outwardly. There’s absolutely no point in dressing up every morning with a fake smile when you only feel sadness and frustration inside.

There are those who sustain themselves on the basis of false hopes, by the simple “things will surely change”, “they will certainly realize my worth and acknowledge me”. We feed on empty emotions and inspirations that weaken us in ways we can’t turn back.

If you spread your roots in unstable soil, it will be impossible to maintain good inner balance. No one can grow if they only know uncertainty  and false hope.

We may be strong and capable adults on the outside, but on the inside we are vulnerable. Therefore, we need a daily life in which we find recognition, repetition, hope and positive emotions.

Don’t put all your responsibility on others. The rest of the world has no obligation to make you happy without getting anything in return. It is also in your control, given that everyone is the creator of their own reality.

1. We must say ‘no’ to limiting thoughts

We all have dreams and desires, but sometimes, for whatever reason, we tell ourselves that “the train has already passed us” or “things like that are out of our reach”. Or worse, “that it will be all right at the right time”.

Don’t let your life be governed by an unclear fate. What matters is the here and now, a moment where you can be your own worst enemy through your own limiting thoughts.

It doesn’t matter what happened in the past, that’s the past. It no longer exists, nor did your mistakes of yesterday. Life needs a dose of courage, covered with confidence. Change your thoughts and you will change your reality.

2. We must take power from those who weaken us

What are your strong points? It is possible that you are courageous, that your voice is one of those that speaks only the language of truth and moreover you try to give everything for others.


Sometimes it happens that many of these norms and values ​​are destroyed by the influence of certain people. They are, so to speak, capable reapers of the personal growth of others.

So it’s not a matter of breaking that rooted connection. It is even possible that it is a very close relative who builds walls around your dreams. In the first instance it is not a matter of distancing themselves from those persons, but taking away their power and authority.

Deactivate their influence on your mind; those people are not you, they are not walking in your shoes. You are the one who must ensure that you live with the most energy, emotional strength and confidence possible.

Whatever the wind brings that is filled with negativity, mistrust or bitterness… let it go. Let it pass you by without it really touching you.

3. The Need to Heal Ourselves Every Day

Inner healing is a simple act that will help keep you going every day. Inner healing starts with acknowledging yourself little by little and this every day. You deserve to be happy, you deserve to be your own priority.

Self-healing is also learning: learning to listen, to enrich that inner connection with yourself. Learning from your environment, from others. This stimulates your curiosity to nurture new hope every day. Cultivate your mind to be free.

Believing is creating. Change your mind to have new experiences and become the guide of your own life. With bravery and courage.

–Images courtesy of Paula Nicho Cumez–

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