The Wisdom Of The Elderly

The wisdom of the elderly

The wisdom of the elderly is infinite. All you need to do to discover this is to listen sincerely to their life stories. Wisdom comes after all with age, or as they say in Spain, “The devil knows more because he is old than because he is the devil.”

The elderly are the best example of this. They advise us based on their own experiences, their triumphs and their defeats. Their life experience definitely ensures that they have a lot of knowledge and we can certainly learn from them.

Life is full of nuances, things are not just black or white. This is something you realize when you pay attention to their stories. You discover how every single experience, as unimportant as this one seems, builds a whole life. All those amazing, unforgettable and sometimes unexpected moments become part of the story of your life.

During my work in telecare I was able to learn from many of the user stories. It has given me the opportunity to listen and learn from the wisdom of the elders. The wisdom of the elderly is truly special.

Elderly woman in flower field


One thing older people can teach us a lot about is the love and importance of choosing your life partner. As many women say: sooner or later the children will leave the nest, that is life. Their departure can leave a void, causing significant changes in family dynamics.

Some mothers or fathers may suffer from empty nest syndrome. When the kids leave home and the parents retire, they suddenly have a lot more free time to spend with each other.

That is why it is so important to have a good relationship with your partner. Otherwise, the loneliness can take over everything.

Conversations with the elderly about love can also make us believe in love more than ever. There are couples who have been together for more than fifty years. This doesn’t mean it was easy for them, but it does mean they always put their love first.

They have weathered every storm and faced it together as a team. There are widows who long for their life partner, but who remember him with love and gratitude. They remember things like the jokes he used to tell, the fact that he was a great parent, what he loved to do.

Others have to distance themselves from their partner for other reasons. Consider cases where one of the two has to be admitted to a retirement home, while the other has to stay at home. Most continue to visit their loved one continuously, regardless of their illness or condition.


Many elderly people feel sad when they notice how lonely they have become in life. However, this is also part of their wisdom. The loneliness may be due to the fact that they don’t want to bother other people. Perhaps they have distanced themselves from their friends and family or they live far away.

There are all kinds of stories. Many children do not want to know about their parents. I don’t know why, but I’m not here to judge them. I think if some elderly people could go back in time, they would. Maybe they would choose to do some things differently.

When we’re young, we don’t really think about how our actions will affect our future. At the moment we don’t think about how serious the consequences could be. Not treating people properly or making an effort to understand them can distance us even from the people we love.

The Eye of an Older Woman

We all need someone. Ultimately, humans are social beings. Something that can help people not to feel lonely is a hobby. Don’t just enjoy your hobbies, let others enjoy them with you!

I spoke to an 85-year-old user who had received a tablet from her grandchildren. She told me she likes to play games like Candy Crush with it. Not only does this keep her mind busy, but it’s also a great way to bond with her grandchildren.


Valuing the importance of family is part of the wisdom of the elderly. Family is so important to those who have it, and so desired by those who don’t.

Not only the children are important. There are cases when cousins ​​take care of their aunts and uncles as if they were their own children. This happens more often than we think.

Family was, is and will always be important. The memories you have of your family will always be with you no matter what happens. And you continue to create memories as your family grows and you continue to enjoy their presence.

Every anecdote is valuable, whether it is new or old. Many of the users tell stories about their parents or siblings. I remember some very impressive conversations I had:

  • One user recited the poems her father had written. She knew them by heart. Her father’s memory is kept alive every time she recites his poetry. They were beautiful poems, full of life and valuable lessons.
  • Another user liked to think back to her father. He taught her and her brother to read and write every night. Today, at the age of 80, she still remembers the name of the first book she ever read.
Grandpa and grandson


Learning to accept death as a part of life is a fundamental pillar of the wisdom of the elderly. They accept that death is near, but this doesn’t stop them from living their lives.

This realization makes them enjoy what they have all the more. They continue to add great memories and experiences to the story of their lives.

However, other types of losses are harder to accept. For example, the decline of their own physical and mental abilities and the loss of people they love (friends and family).

Family is most important to them, just like when they were children. The difference is that now it is not their parents who play the most important role, but their children.

Most elderly people are very concerned about the future of their children. The better things are going with the children, the better things are often with them. They want them to settle down, start their own family and be happy.

The wisdom of the elderly

Being grateful is a big part of the wisdom of the elderly. They are grateful for life and for the insight that the world continues to evolve.

They do not regret the difficulties they have endured because they understand that otherwise they would not have learned so many valuable lessons. When they play cards with their grandchildren and spend quality time with their families, you see how full the life they have is.

They remind us of the importance of working, doing what we love, and expanding our wealth as much as possible. However, they also remind us that our lives should not revolve around that.

The elderly regret the times when they focused too much on professionalism and work rather than making memories with their loved ones.

On the other hand , they indicate how important it is to feel satisfied and proud of our hard work. Speaking of this, I suddenly think of an 80-year-old woman who decided to take painting lessons, even though she had never painted before.

Now she gives paintings to her entire family, making her feel grateful and proud that she can make art despite her age.

Older man reading a book

Many elderly people like to read. Their environment, despite the difficulties, has favored their interest in culture. They enjoy reading the newspaper or books of all kinds, from classic novels to modern stories. They look for interesting content adapted to their physical abilities, especially their eyesight.

What can we learn if we listen carefully to the elderly and their stories? A whole lot! Older people save their stories for those who really want to hear them, stories of courage, happiness, sadness and even anger.

They have had all kinds of experiences, which they often want to share with love. Discover for yourself how infinite the wisdom of the elderly is.

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