Three Keys Of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) That Will Change Your Life

Three Keys of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) That Will Change Your Life

NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) can be incredibly effective at changing the way we perceive and interpret reality. We must not forget that our thoughts and feelings shape everything around us. Hence the usefulness of NLP techniques to become aware of this and to make the necessary changes.

You may have heard of neurolinguistic programming. It is more than just a psychological theory; we should see it as a group of strategies to help us grow as people. It was developed in the 1970s by Richard Bandler and John Grinder. They wanted to empower people to fulfill their life goals for themselves.

At the same time, however, we should point out that some criticize NLP and see it as pseudoscience. That said, NLP strategies prove to be very helpful in many cases. It’s also quite interesting from a psychological point of view.

One of the main goals is to connect our neurological processes and language with the behavioral patterns that we have picked up through experience. So by correcting our cognitive representations and drawing power from the rigid mental maps we sometimes use, we gradually begin to create more flexible patterns of behavior.

NLP is an interesting, useful way to change our reality. With NLP, we can shape our minds and our feelings about the world around us to see life in a freer, more positive and happier way.

Man examines the brain: NLP (neurolinguistic programming)

1. NLP: The Dissociation Technique

Neuro-linguistic programming tells us that our lack of confidence, as well as our fear and stress, are activities and processes, not permanent conditions. That’s why it’s important to control these processes and change them so that they work for us, not against us.

One way to achieve this is through dissociation. The steps are as follows:

  • Identify the emotion you no longer want to feel and clear your mind. It can be anger, sadness, fear, disappointment…
  • Focus on that particular emotion and on a situation that usually leads to it. For example: I feel angry when my colleague talks about me behind my back.
  • Visualize the scene as if it were happening on a movie screen. Then put a nice soundtrack behind it to take the drama away. Then repeat the scene a few times in your head to lessen the negative emotion. This makes you feel like you’re in control and that the situation doesn’t matter. It may even seem funny to you now. The anger should be gone by now.

2. NLP: content re-framing

Another important neurolinguistic programming technique may seem obvious, but that doesn’t mean we actually apply it or apply it correctly. If you obsessively anticipate bad things to happen and always expect the worst, you can end up causing bad things to happen.

For example, some people can’t stop thinking about what would happen to them if their partner left them. It upsets them so much that they develop obsessive behavior, jealousy, mistrust and all kinds of destructive processes. Then their worst fear comes true: their partner leaves them because they can’t stand how they behave.

  • One NLP technique that can help is content re-framing. It is based on a cognitive technique where we shift our focus from fear to more constructive things.
  • For example, you may need to stop focusing on your fear of losing your partner in order to focus on spending quality time with him or her.
  • Instead of focusing on your fear of being alone, focus on accepting responsibility for yourself. You learn to love yourself enough and to be strong instead of getting caught up in fear.
The Brain and Binary Codes: NLP

3. NLP: anchoring

Anchoring is a classic NLP strategy for personal growth. What is this ‘anchor’ then? It is the connection between a stimulus and an emotion. The goal here is to get into a more appropriate yet powerful frame of mind. This will then allow you to successfully do what you need to do.

Think about situations where you feel anxious or insecure: exams, public speaking, approaching someone you find very attractive, etc. If you can evoke the right mental state, you will have the motivation and confidence you need to do this. weather situations with flying colors. Here are some simple steps to practice anchoring, based on the principles of NLP:

  • First, identify how you want to feel: confident, happy, calm…
  • Then try to remember a moment in your life when you felt these positive emotions very intensely.
  • Focus on this memory and create a mental snapshot of it.
  • Now choose a statement that will serve as your anchor. For example: ‘I have inner peace’ or ‘Serenity’ or ‘Everything will go great…’
  • Repeat this sequence ( desired emotion, memory, visualization, anchor word ) daily until it is integrated into your mind. This way it will eventually happen automatically when you need it.
Button to turn on the brain: NLP

Are you now curious about the fascinating world of neurolinguistic programming? Well, there’s a good reason for that; it is accessible to everyone and taps into our enormous potential as human beings. For more information, we recommend the books ‘Introducing NLP’ and ‘Changing Belief Systems with NLP’. They are very thorough and great if you want to dive deeper into the subject and learn how to transform your life.

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