Training Yourself In Perseverance Is Important

Is training yourself to persevere an impossible goal? We don’t think so! So read on and find out why.
Training yourself in perseverance is important

Training yourself to persevere is something that will help you confront all the challenges that come your way. Thanks to this psychological power, we will achieve our goals, deal with adversity and strengthen our character so that we never give up.

Training ourselves to persevere may not help us achieve the happiness we dream of. However, it will help us achieve something even more powerful: being proud of ourselves.

We will then be the people who have the guts to tackle the challenges of everyday life and create their own happiness. Those people don’t understand what it’s like to give up. Every time they fall, they get up again.

Laozi said that perseverance is the building block of all actions. Let’s face it though. No one teaches us how to acquire this skill or how it grows.

We do not understand how this part of our personality develops and helps us to achieve the highest goals in life. We often acquire it from the people closest to us: our fathers and mothers. They and other important figures in our lives inspire us with their attitudes, behavior and personal focus.

It would undoubtedly be wonderful if we all came into the world with this ability already enshrined in our genes.

We can learn to persevere

Very recent research tells us that persistence acts as an exceptional psychological resistance exercise. It helps us to do more than just achieve our goals. Being able to persevere has to do with a reduced risk of depression.

In addition, it is an extremely effective strategy for managing anxiety. This is a part of our psyche that is absolutely worth magnifying to the fullest.

Resilience in everyday life

Training yourself in perseverance: a pillar of resilience in everyday life

The  Journal of Abnormal Psychiatry  recently published a study. It aroused enormous interest in the field of psychology and personal growth. The University of Pennsylvania conducted this research over a period of twenty years. It has provided us with very interesting information.

The first finding was that the most persistent people—who set goals and strive to achieve them—are much less likely to develop panic attacks, anxiety, and depression.

Training yourself to persevere has helped approximately 3,300 men and women develop a more resilient state of mind, according to this study.

Go-getters rarely get stuck in all their problems. They also don’t become obsessed with negative situations. Rather, they use a cognitive approach based on problem solving, creativity and positive thinking.

They are also very tenacious people who are determined to grow and not to stand still. In addition, they keep their goals, dreams and wishes in their minds in the foreground every day. All this acts as a true motivating factor. Fear has no place here. The shadow of helplessness or negative thoughts does not enter here.

How can you train yourself in perseverance?

Neuroscientists discovered years ago that dopamine is linked to persistence and proactive behavior. dr. Joe Z. Tsien, co-director of the Neuroscience Institute at Georgia State University, points out that we can all promote the release of this neurotransmitter.

This is possible by developing new habits, having clear goals and staying motivated. Below we list the psychological methods you need to learn to persevere day after day.

Set clear goals

Without clear goals you will not get anywhere. Without a goal there is no hope. We need to be clear about the fact that the mind feeds on dreams. If these dreams are not turned into well-defined and realistic goals, then there will be no motivation.

Self control

When we set a goal on our personal horizon, there is no going back. We must then pool our efforts and ideas and strive for that particular point.

To do this, we need to effectively control a number of areas: discouragement, frustration, anxiety and stress. Therefore, self-control is a key to training yourself in perseverance.

Self-control and training yourself in perseverance

Positive approach

Positivity, a sense of effectiveness, self-confidence and a good mood are also basic elements that help us achieve our goals. Moreover, persistence goes hand in hand with a positive approach. That approach does not allow negative or limiting emotions to set in.

Don’t allow yourself to give up

Realize a dream. Overcome depression. Train for a competition or to acquire a new skill. Be proud of yourself… All these things require one aspect above all else: don’t give up. What we can do, however, is take a step back. That way we can set new goals and then create better momentum.

We can also take a break to reflect and gain new perspectives. What we should never do, however, is dwell while we are stuck in discouragement and abandonment. Therefore, training yourself in perseverance is a powerful exercise for the benefit of motivation and health.

All of us can improve this aspect. It ensures that our resources and potential work in our favor. Our well-being will improve. Every day we will find the courage to move forward little by little.

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