We Must Remember To Take Time For Ourselves

We mustn't forget to take time for ourselves

Today we have so many obligations and we are so busy that we are often exhausted at the end of the week. This is worrying. This habit keeps us from having time to rest and relax, let alone time for ourselves.

Many of us take on too many obligations. While we think we are doing the right thing by being preoccupied with so many things, we must put ourselves and our needs first.

It’s so easy for us to feel like we have to attend every meeting or meeting because we’re afraid we’ll miss something. We may not get a promotion if we skip a meeting, or we may no longer be included in the social circle of our colleagues.

What we need to do when we feel this way is reflect on why we feel so bad about this. Attending all the meetings we are invited to may also mean that we are not assertive enough. We may just not be able to say ‘no’. We should not be afraid to say no when necessary.

Other reasons why we feel guilty about canceling a meeting is because we feel we need to please others or because we don’t want to be alone.

Social obligations and stress

Multiple studies warn that the number of social obligations we attend today is much higher than that of our parents.

Instead of taking advantage of our free time and resting to recover from the stress of the past week, we add even more stress to our lives. This simply happens through a lack of knowledge or a desire to belong to a group.

Woman with headache

We need to take time for ourselves

Who exactly do we want to satisfy with all these social obligations? Ourselves or others? Answering that question with complete honesty can save us a lot of stress and inconvenience.

Sometimes you have to prioritize your own life and just say no. We cannot meet everyone’s expectations. If we only try to make others happy, how can we become happy with ourselves.

It doesn’t mean that we should isolate ourselves and distance ourselves from our group of friends. It means we have to maintain a healthy bond while also leaving room for ourselves.

Leisure Syndrome

We need free time to live a happy life and reduce stress. Our brains need to be able to disconnect for a few hours so that they don’t have to work so hard anymore.

Therefore, leisure activities are a good alternative to rest and have fun. However, free time can also become a source of stress, uncertainty and even another obligation for us.

Relaxed woman is lying on the couch

Dutch psychologist Ad Vingerhoets, a professor at Tilburg University, decided to analyze one of his own personal problems. He was never sick, only on weekends.

For his research, he asked other people if they also experienced this. He discovered that he was not the only one to experience this. Other people also got sick during the summer holidays, at Christmas, or on Fridays.

On the other hand, psychologist Maria Jesus Gonzalez states that it is not a real disease. She says medicine hasn’t researched the problem enough, nor is there a specific treatment plan. Today, however, we know that stress affects the immune system. This leisure time syndrome is just another way of experiencing anxiety.

In order to enjoy our free time and relaxation, we must be realistic with ourselves and the activities we can undertake. We must have a reasonable schedule, and not do any activities without a plan. It is important that we  do not forget how important these moments of rest and doing nothing are. Commit to yourself.

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