What Does Psychology Say About Infidelity?

What does psychology say about infidelity?

Infidelity is an act committed by a person who is in a relationship  and creates a crack in one of the mainstays of the relationship, namely loyalty. There are plenty of reasons that can cause someone in a relationship to be unfaithful. However, these reasons are all explained by personal dissatisfaction.

When a person is dissatisfied with unresolved conflicts, whether personal or with their partner, they often tend to run or hide. This only creates more dissatisfaction and unhappiness and the relationship becomes less and less tolerant.

What is personal dissatisfaction?

Personal dissatisfaction means that you are not happy with your own life. Often this feeling already existed before you met the person you cheated on.

Often dissatisfaction arises from fears, insecurities and indecision, coupled with a lack of personal motivation or purpose, as you lack the courage to take on, resolve and make choices when faced with situations that make you unhappy.

Usually this dissatisfaction in a relationship increases because the relationship is not working. This is why there is more and more distance within the relationship and why the relationship becomes cold and monotonous. Ultimately, there is only one outcome for this – avoidance and even more dissatisfaction.

What are the consequences of dissatisfaction?

As we mentioned above, loyalty is one of the pillars of strong relationships. This means that you endanger your relationship in several ways when you break this pillar. Infidelity, among other things, creates a lack of trust. This is an important and necessary aspect in a relationship to make both partners feel safe.

In a situation where there is personal dissatisfaction, it is likely that the disgruntled person who eventually becomes unfaithful is avoiding reality. He is not brave enough to face his discontent or the problems within the relationship. Perhaps this stems from fear, insecurity, or low self-esteem. It is also plausible that this person is emotionally dependent on his partner. This ensures that he is neither happy with his partner nor able to imagine a life without his partner.

Arguing Couple

In some phases of a relationship, the chance of infidelity is higher and one of these phases is a phase of strong assertiveness. These are times when a crisis arises. Most of these crises arise from old conflicts that have remained unresolved, whether they are personal or relationship conflicts.

How can you prevent infidelity

It is very important to be aware of personal dissatisfaction caused by unresolved conflicts that sometimes existed before you met your current partner so that you can finally resolve this feeling.

In case personal dissatisfaction arises or gets worse during the relationship, it is recommended to confront and resolve this situation. It may even be necessary to end the relationship so that both of you can look for your own happiness and stop avoiding reality.

It is also wise to consult an expert so that he/she can help you deal with your fears, dependence and lack of self-confidence. This allows you to discover within yourself the courage and peace of mind to make decisions that will make your life better, happier and more fulfilling.

By choosing to confront your own personal dissatisfaction, both of you can work on your personal growth and take your life back into your own hands. In addition, you avoid the risk of hurting your partner. Usually, the partner is not even aware of the dissatisfaction and unhappiness in the relationship.

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