When You Erase Your Mistakes, You Erase Your Wisdom

When you erase your mistakes, you erase your wisdom

There you go again: pondering and mulling over what happened or what you did, you regret. This sermon is always the same, tedious and repetitive. You blame yourself for the mistakes you made or the choices you didn’t make.

The images are constantly running through your head. The things you have said sound like an echo that is never far away. Your feelings confine you like a prison. Meanwhile, the hours keep going by without you noticing.

“Maybe if I’d said how I felt, we wouldn’t have drifted apart.” “Maybe we wouldn’t be in this situation if I had chosen a different option.”, “I should have taken those credits when I had the chance, because now they are needed for what I want to do and I don’t have them.’, ‘Why didn’t I ever tell them it bothered me that they didn’t ask me how I was doing at all?’


One by one, the ignorance and the reasons of regret can become an infinite spiral: you know where the spiral began, but it is impossible to know where it will end, because it does not end.

You can hurt yourself as much as you want, destroy yourself little by little, if you feel like it. Although your inner self probably won’t be very happy about that. Stop for a moment and think: what are you doing it for? What does all that whining and all those thoughts actually get you?

If you are honest with yourself and answer these questions, you will discover more than you ever imagined. You can recognize your inner needs and desires.

Now dive into this question: is there any point in regretting the mistakes you’ve made? Do you really think these were just mistakes?

Before you go on to self-blame and victimize yourself, let me tell you something: These weren’t just mistakes, they’re opportunities. Focus on any learning experiences left over from these mistakes.


It’s all about wanting to move forward, wanting to evolve. Instead of staying stuck, as if we are chained, trapped in the past.

You can now try it yourself if you want. Pick one of your mistakes, turn the situation around and see what you can learn from it or what experience you can gain from it.

Everything you are today is due to the things you did or didn’t do in the past. Your successes and your mistakes. And probably even more thanks to the latter. After everything you’ve been through so far, after the whole process of your life, there’s bound to be a lot of things you’re proud of. And isn’t it thanks to the setbacks and the learning experiences that you call mistakes that you have been able to achieve these things of which you are proud?

I’ll give you a minute to answer this for yourself… Try to really listen, the answer to this question is a message to yourself.

And I’m not just talking about successes, dreams and goals, but also about qualities, character traits and your personality, your essence. Do you think these characteristics have nothing to do with the mistakes you made?

Everything you have experienced, everything you have felt, thought or done, everything had external consequences, but also internal consequences. It’s up to you to decide how you’re going to use these effects: you can take out everything that’s in there or just keep the dry and wilted parts. Just look at the surface or dig deep and uncover the wisdom hidden within.

Open Doors

Every action, every thought and every feeling you have experienced has had a series of consequences in your life. The most important thing is to be aware of the fact that your whole being right now is influenced by what has or has not happened in the past. And if you were to erase all the mistakes, you would also erase all the things you learned from those mistakes.

By erasing even one of your stories, or one experience, you wouldn’t be the same person again. Therefore, instead of mulling over all the ways you could have done certain things differently, it’s best to start thinking about how we can be the best version of ourselves in every situation, every moment, every second.

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