Why Optimism Is Important In Coping With Illness

Why optimism is important for coping with illness

The famous neuroendocrinologist and doctor Deepak Chopra once said something very interesting:  “In all the years I have worked, I have met several cancer patients who have made a full recovery after a terminal diagnosis. People who had less than a few months to live.” Do you think optimism and hope are the secret to this? Let’s dig a little deeper into this topic.

Chopra added the following. “I don’t think these were miraculous cases. The way I see it, incidents like this show that the mind can go much further, much deeper, and change the fundamental systems that the body designs.”

Chopra is a doctor who has spent much of his professional career researching the extent to which a patient’s emotions and attitudes can affect their healing process, including looking at very serious cases, such as people with cancer.

Can Optimism Help Cure Disease?

The moment a person is told that he is suffering from a minor or very serious illness, several things go through his mind and he wonders whether optimism and not losing hope can really help him to get better. and whether these aspects can ensure that the situation does not worsen.

Psychologist and coach Mamen Garrido shares several tips to help people cope with their illness in a positive way, full of hope and optimism. According to Garrido, a positive attitude in every aspect of life is very beneficial, including in the case of illness. The moment we hear bad news, it probably initially provokes reactions such as anger, denial or sadness in us. However, when we get past this initial phase, we come to a crucial point that can make a lot of difference.

One of the tips Mamen Garrido gives for better coping with illness is to strive to accept the situation as quickly as possible. The sooner we are fully aware of the situation, the sooner we can start fighting it. However, the point is not to get ahead of yourself or look for ways to cut off your way.

Secondly , according to Garrido, it is also very important to overcome your fears. Of course, the news of a serious illness is very frightening and stirs up all kinds of panic in someone. However, asking for information to counteract uncertainties is a very good option.

Woman with Cancer

The third tip is to gather a group of loved ones around you who will help and support you. People who are able to radiate optimism, hope and a lot of positive energy, which is really necessary during this arduous journey.

Fourthly, according to Mamen Garrido, it is absolutely very important to do your utmost to develop more optimism and hope. It may be helpful to connect with people who have already overcome their illness, but you could also start a blog, keep a journal, or engage in activities that promote bliss. Any activity that provides you with vitality.

Mamen Garrido reminds us that there are advanced studies that talk about psychoneuroimmunology. These studies show that there is a biological link between the immune, nervous and endocrine systems and our attitudes and behavior. If this hypothesis can be proven, it would be obvious that optimism and hope have a profound influence on the healing process.

Optimism, hope and the right attitude as the ‘X factor’

David Spain is chief of surgery in the intensive care unit at Stanford University Medical School. According to Spain, three factors can be described that influence the healing process and the survival rate of a patient:

  • Spain mentions the genetic make-up of an individual as the first factor , which is a determining factor in the patient’s healing process.
  • The second factor includes the patient ‘s personal circumstances. This includes the way the disease has developed.
  • Third, Spain talks about the ‘X-factor’. With this he refers to an intangible aspect that cannot be measured, nor can it be ignored. According to Spain, a patient’s personality, emotions, optimism, etc. also play a small, yet very important role in his recovery process.

Based on his own experience, Spain states: “A grumpy, tough, old man often recovers better than a weak crybaby. Tough people fight to the end.”

Many doctors talk about the importance of optimism, struggle, personality, attitude, hope, etc. in beating a disease. They don’t quite know how to explain why this is so important. Yet they have seen enough cases to believe that these factors are important. What do you think?

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