Why People Choose A Vegetarian Lifestyle

What are the beliefs and principles that motivate people to become vegetarians? We look at their lifestyle in this article.
Why people choose a vegetarian lifestyle

The vegetarian lifestyle is becoming more and more popular. In recent years, the number of people opting for vegetarianism has increased sharply. We know the term, but do you know what it actually means? Read on to find out.

According to the International Vegetarian Union (IVU), vegetarianism consists of following a diet based on foods derived from vegetables, with different modalities depending on whether the diet includes or excludes dairy products, eggs, and honey.

So what exactly are the beliefs and principles that motivate the decision to make these dietary changes? The IVU states that vegetarianism is not just a diet, but also a lifestyle. Let’s take a look at its origin first.

A salad in a bowl

How did vegetarianism start?

The concepts of vegetarianism and vegetarian first appeared in the United Kingdom in 1887 with the world’s first vegetarian association, the Vegetarian Society . Until then, the term “vegetable diet” was used to refer to eating only plant-based foods.

Later on, associations arose in other countries, such as Germany and the Netherlands, based on the same principles as the Vegetarian Society . As a result of its growing popularity, the International Vegetarian Union was founded in 1908, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting vegetarianism.

Modalities of vegetarianism

According to the International Vegetarian Union (IVU), there are several modalities that make up vegetarianism, depending on the type of diet one chooses.

  • Ovo vegetarianism means that people eat eggs with their vegetarian diet.
  • Lacto vegetarianism is if they also consume dairy products as part of their diet.
  • Ovo-lacto vegetarianism stands for people who consume both eggs and dairy products.
  • Veganism means that people exclude all foods that come from animals (such as honey, milk, cheese and eggs).

Motivational Principles

We will now point out some of the motivating principles of the people who decide to join the vegetarian lifestyle.

  • Health. They believe that a healthy and organic diet is based on vegetables. They exclude meat from their menu, as they do not consider it an essential food.
  • Ecological reasons. Some vegetarians say that extensive and intensive farming methods are some of the main causes of the decline of our planet. They point to data, such as a study by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO ), which states that the livestock sector generates more greenhouse gases than the transport sector. So it would be one of the most important factors in global climate change.
  • Religion. Some religions promote the vegetarian lifestyle. An example of this is the Hindu religion, which holds that cows are sacred animals and deserve worship. That is why they say that this meat should not be used for human consumption.
  • Ethics. Other vegetarians choose to be for ethical reasons. They defend the rights of animals, because they think killing animals for food is unethical. They mainly point to its abuse and exploitation for the sole purpose of producing products for human consumption (such as food, objects and clothing.). In addition, they defend the right of animals to a dignified life and a dignified death.
A group of people are sitting at the table eating and talking

What other factors are involved in the vegetarian lifestyle?

Finally, if we take into account the motivational principles mentioned above, we can see that a vegetarian diet cannot be considered as something solely based on nutrition.

It is also clearly an attitude and a lifestyle. It is possible – and likely – that a vegetarian will also reject other ways of using animals for the production of consumer goods.

Also, people who follow a vegetarian lifestyle may not be in favor of certain activities or visiting certain places. For example, a restaurant where the menu is exclusively carnivorous, a bullfight, or another party or event where animals are used for entertainment, such as circuses.

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