Your Heart Decides When It’s Ready For A New Love

Your heart decides when it's ready for a new love

Do you believe in fate? Do you believe in love at first sight? Do you think there is only one true love in the world ?

When you hold on to these beliefs, they reinforce a simple and common truth:  The moment you meet someone is very important when it comes to determining whether that person is the one for you or not.

I won’t destroy the magic of the idea that it’s fate that brings you and your partner together. But one thing is clear: your heart is the one that tells your head when it’s ready to fall in love.

Do you want to hear my story? When I moved to another country to continue my studies to continue with “learning to live”, my situation was not so good. I didn’t feel like myself and more importantly,  I hadn’t learned to love myself yet. My life was far from ideal, I wasn’t really comfortable and neither was my heart.

I met my current best friend. And he fell in love with me. The feeling that this was happening to one of the best people I’d ever met didn’t make me feel any better.

Do you know why? Not knowing how to love myself prevented me from loving such a wonderful and special person. He went for it with his heart and that was prepared. But my heart wasn’t yet, though I tried and desperately wanted to be ready.

I felt powerless. Powerless in knowing that I couldn’t love anyone completely, because  I still couldn’t love myself, my heart and all of my being. And it hurt to lose him because of that.

Maybe at some other time in my life, maybe in the not too distant future, things will be different. All I can do now is feel his love within me and let it ignite my heart.

This experience has taught me that  love can only be felt if both people want it  and are happy to share it.


Am I ready to love?

For all these reasons, it is important to be aware of whether you are at a point in your life when it is okay to give and accept love.

Sometimes we choose to love someone when we feel vulnerable or scared. We choose someone because we need him to fill a void. Often this is like poison to a relationship. We do everything in our power to make sure the relationship is good so that we feel good, but sometimes it’s not supposed to go well.

If you’re not emotionally stable, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s bad to want to find love. This may well be the right time. What is important is that we truly believe that our hearts are ready and that we have found a person who is ready too.

In my case, I did (and still do) everything I could to love my best friend. And sometimes the feelings I feel are very frustrating. I’ve decided that I’m going to love this unique person, who loves me in such an authentic and wonderful way, making it my decision and making me feel free. Free to love anyone.

What if the time is not right?

I won’t deny that I’ve often thought: if it doesn’t happen now, it might not be the right time. You’ve probably thought of this yourself about your relationships at certain times in your life. But the situation, the timing and the moment are not the only things you need for love to succeed. Timing isn’t everything. It’s just part of everything.

I was once told that it doesn’t matter how well people fit together. If you’re not in a good place in your life right now or that person’s life isn’t going well, you can’t love someone completely. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try it with someone if the timing isn’t perfect. It’s just that trying more than you can handle can end up hurting both of you.

Let yourself go, enjoy the moment and most importantly, learn to love yourself and your heart. Don’t think you are capable of changing what someone else needs or wants. Learn to be honest with that other person and with yourself. The most important thing is to be in a relationship with someone who is able to love you completely and sincerely.

We feel incredibly happy with the situation and the timing  when we have a wonderful and fulfilling relationship. Timing is what makes you feel so much gratitude for the right person who came into your life at the right time.

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