Your Mother Will Be There Even When Everyone Else Has Gone

Your mother will be there even when everyone else has gone

There are many kinds of mothers and not every mother knows how to do it right. There are also toxic mothers who cause great pain through their parenting style or through the projection of frustrated desires they impose on their children.

But most mothers love and care for us with incredible responsibility and dedication. Your mother will be there even when everyone else is gone.

We must not forget what they do for us, however small it is made, however invisible and sometimes undervalued it may be. For many, having a mother around is one of the greatest privileges in life.

What Mothers Sacrifice

Mothers give up much more to raise us and make us happy than we can imagine. Until just about a decade ago  , women had to renounce almost everything to be a mother, because society made it impossible for them to be mothers, wives, and workers at the same time.

Now it is different and the development has certainly been positive, but there is still a long way to go until the day when a mother will not have to give up something because she wants to have and raise a child without feeling guilty.

Mother with Children

Mothers have so much generosity and so much love for their children that they want to give them everything they have. Many continue with their other dreams, moving back and forth between multiple responsibilities, while for others, their children become their primary task. In either case, a mother’s sacrifice for her children is unquestionable.

Mothers who fight so that their children will have more than they had

Many mothers heal the wound of their frustrated dreams and aspirations by doing everything they can to make it possible for their children to do what they love in life one day.

Seeing us happy is their personal achievement, the prize for all the quiet work they’ve done all these years. Wrapping us up when we were cold, teaching us good values, taking care of us by drying our tears after a rough patch. Believing in us when no one did this…

To read aloud

They are happy for what you have learned and to have you around. They know that a day will come when you will have to leave their side. They feel an empty nest, but their hearts are filled when they see you happy and free.

They always say that mothers want the best for us and most of the time it is. That’s why they work 24 hours a day and don’t even neglect us for one minute. Their eyes fill with pride when someone tells them we are good and polite. They get excited when we go to school and stay excited when we’re adults.

When everything seems to go wrong, they are always there

Your mother will never leave no matter how many times you say you don’t need her anymore… mothers know that their children need them more than ever at these times. They will come back to be with you, to be the safe haven you need in the storm.

Mother in Child

You will heal yourself from the wounds of life, because your mother, with her naturalness and her companionship, gives you calmness, warmth, understanding… To her you can return when you want to be reassured that you have not lost your way, far away from all the stress and conventionalism. These are the moments when you are more yourself than ever.

They are our refuge, our guideline. They are in our hearts and we don’t even want to imagine what will happen when they are gone. That’s why you have to make her happy now and give her your love now.

Spend the time with her that she deserves and know that no one will ever love you like she does. The love between mothers and children is unparalleled. There is always time to enjoy it, because it is the most sincere and wonderful thing about our existence.

–Images courtesy of Fairy Tales—

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